Discover the history of Cabanas de Tavira

Category: algarve cabanas de tavira

Are you considering Cabanas de Tavira as the destination for your next holiday in the Algarve? Find out a little more about this charming village in the eastern Algarve.

With a history that dates back to 1734, Cabanas de Tavira has been part of Portuguese culture for more than three centuries. That year and this location saw the start-up of the tuna fishing industry, giving rise to the first picturesque huts used to store fishing equipment. For more than two decades, these huts served as seasonal residences for fishermen.

Between 1757 and 1758, some fishermen began to live permanently in these huts, contributing to the evolution of Cabanas into the vibrant town we know today. When the practice of octopus fishing made its appearance, there was a decisive leap in the development of the village of Cabanas, driven by the arrival of fishermen looking for new employment opportunities over the years.

Old photograph of a fishing boat in Cabanas de Tavira

In 1970, tourism arrived in Cabanas de Tavira with the construction of the first tourist complex. After the Carnation Revolution, the decades were marked by the construction of new buildings and summer trade flourished, especially on the avenue, with the opening of restaurants, local shops and other services. Golden Club Cabanas opened its doors a few years later, in mid-1984.

Cabanas de Tavira
Cabanas de Tavira still maintains its identity as a fishing village and its traditional charm. The town’s narrow streets, the whitewashed houses and the boats that line the harbour – Doca de Cabanas – continue to charm visitors

At Golden Club Cabanas, you will find the ideal haven to immerse yourself in the local history and culture of Cabanas de Tavira. We have unique tours and experiences waiting for you to enjoy with your family, on a holiday that will linger in everyone’s memory.

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